Invested through / Financed by |
Asset class | Listed equity, Impact bonds & Corporate bonds |
Impact strategy | Impact Equities and Bonds |
Sector | Sustainable Energy |
ISIN code | GB00BDR05C01 |
Industry group | Utilities |
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) |
National Grid is a British multinational electricity and gas utility company, founded in 1990. The company is active in the UK and the US and owns and operates electricity transmission and distribution networks. National Grid is one of the largest investor-owned utility companies in the world. It plays a vital role in energy transition and guarantees secure and efficient supply of energy to business and households.
Investment rationale
An upgraded and expanded electric grid serves as the backbone of the energy transition and the requirement of any realistic de-carbonation pathway. In the coming decades, grid operators like National Grid must modernise their aging infrastructure to face more extreme weather events, besides building new connections and repurpose their existing assets to handle burgeoning and more decentralised renewables generation.
Alignment with Triodos Transitions: 93% of the company's revenues is aligned with the Energy Transition. The contribution to the Energy Transition comes from 93% of revenues related to the impact objective Energy Efficiency.