If you need support to access our products and services, our Customer Contact Team will do their best to help you.
You can send us a chat message in the Triodos Mobile Banking App by going to ‘More’ then ‘Help’, and then tapping on ‘Open chat’ under ‘Send us a chat message’, or in Internet Banking by clicking on the speech bubble icon in the bottom right corner on the ‘Overview’ screen. You can start or continue a chat with us by doing this. We will respond to you as soon as we can during opening hours, Mon-Fri 8am-6pm (Thur 9am-6pm). You can still send us a message when chat is closed and we will respond on the next working day.
You can call us on 0330 355 0355 (+44 117 973 9339 if abroad) Mon-Fri 8am-6pm (Thur 9am-6pm).
We can also be contacted via the Relay UK service designed to help people with hearing and speech difficulties communicate with anyone over the phone (please visit the Relay website for more information).
If these options aren't suitable, you can also contact us via the email address [email protected]. Please note that this email address isn’t monitored constantly during our working hours but we will aim to respond to you as soon as we can. Due to the security vulnerabilities with email communications, if your enquiry relates to an account you hold with us, where possible please contact us a by chat or telephone.