Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund

Impact Investment for a brighter future

How the fund makes an impact

Our approach to impact investing

There are lots of different approaches to ethical investing. Here’s how we do it.

Award-winning investments

With 30 years' experience under our belt, we're recognised for sustainable investing.


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Investment calculator


Cumulative performance chart


Who we invest in

Top 5 holdings

Breakdown by sector

Share price and fund details



We want you to be sure this is the right investment for you. Before you invest, make sure you understand the risks and terms of your investment. This information is not financial advice. If you're unsure whether the Triodos Impact Funds are the right investment for you, please seek independent financial advice.

Investing basics

How to invest

Our how-to guide explains how you can invest in the Triodos Impact Funds


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How to transfer an existing ISA to a Triodos Stocks & Shares ISA

You can transfer some or all of an existing ISA to a Triodos Stocks & Shares ISA and invest in the Triodos Impact Investment Funds - without losing your tax-free ISA status. Remember, the benefits of ISAs depend on your circumstances and tax rules may change in future.

You can transfer from another provider, or from a Triodos Cash ISA or Innovative Finance ISA. Please check with your existing ISA provider if there are any penalties or charges for transferring out.

You can transfer in just a few simple steps.

  • Open a Triodos Stocks & Shares ISA

    Already have a Triodos Stocks & Shares ISA? Move onto step two.

    If you don’t currently have one, you'll need to apply for a Triodos Stocks & Shares ISA through the Triodos Mobile Banking App before you can make a transfer into it.

  • Complete your transfer form

    Download the transfer form, complete it and return it to the address on the form.

    The form tells us which ISAs you want to move. If you want to transfer more than one ISA to us, please send us a separate form for each ISA you wish to transfer.

    The transfer forms are interactive so you can add your details online. However, we need an original signature, so you'll need to print and sign the form before posting it to us.

  • We’ll transfer the cash across to your ISA

    We’ll transfer the funds directly between your ISAs and protect your tax-free ISA status.

    Do not move funds out of an ISA yourself, because your money will lose this ISA status.

    We’ll let you know when the transfer is complete. The whole process usually takes 14-30 days.

Can I switch my investment between funds or share classes?

You can switch between funds and share classes. A switch is when you sell your holding in one fund or share class and buy back another. For example, if you hold shares in the Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund and want to switch to the Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund or if you wanted to switch from holding distribution shares to holding capitalisation shares within the same fund.

You can do this through the Triodos Mobile Banking App or Internet Banking. Simply sell the shares you no longer want and once that deal has settled and the funds have arrived in your Cash Account you can purchase the shares in the fund you now want instead. The minimum investment amount of £250 applies for initial investments and top ups, or £25 per month for regular monthly investments.

If you would like to switch, please ensure you have read the relevant Key Investor Information Document (KIID) for the new fund which can be found under Key Documents on the fund pages, as well as the Supplementary Information Document (SID) and the Terms and Conditions for our Impact Investment Funds and Stocks and Shares ISA.

Please note, when selling your holding outside of an ISA wrapper you may realise a capital gain or loss. Most individuals have a capital gains allowance of £3,000 (for the 2024/25 tax year), any gain below this amount means there is no charge on any profit you made. If you happen to make a capital loss this can be used to offset future capital gains.

For further information see How can I move my TBUK non-ISA impact investment into the Triodos Stocks & Shares ISA? (Bed & ISA).

Once you add money into a Stocks and Shares ISA Cash Account, this will count as an ISA subscription for the current tax year.

Keep in mind that when you buy and sell investments, you might buy back slightly less due to market movement. And with investing in general, there’s always the risk that you could get back less than you put in.

Impact of the fund in numbers and stories

Impact report 2022

This is impact investing

Our latest stories about socially responsible and impact investing

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