We offer four impact investment funds - the Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund, the Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund, the Triodos Future Generations Fund and the Triodos Sterling Bond Impact Fund. All the Impact Funds are available in two different share classes, distribution and capitalisation.
You can invest from as little as £25 per month when setting up a regular monthly investment, or from £250 for a lump sum or top up.
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Every Stocks and Shares ISA or Impact Investment Account has a linked Cash Account. Cash Accounts are used for:
- holding the cash that you will use to make new investments, including regular monthly investments
- receiving dividend payments
- receiving proceeds from selling shares
- holding cash to cover your Annual Service Charge (which is charged quarterly)
You may have more than one Cash Account as a separate Cash Account is needed for each investment account you have. For example, you may have one Stocks and Shares ISA Cash Account, a sole Impact Investment Cash Account and a joint Impact Investment Cash Account.
You will see your Cash Account coupled next to the Stocks and Shares ISA or Impact Investment Account it is linked to, in your account ‘Overview’ in the Triodos Mobile Banking App or Internet Banking.
If you are adding money to your Cash Account for the first time, then this will need to be transferred from your nominated account. Subsequent payments into your Cash Account (ready to purchase more shares or to cover your Annual Service Charge) can come from any of your accounts. Take care to select the correct Cash Account to transfer money into as you may have more than one Cash Account as described above. You can find your Cash Account bank account number within the Mobile App or Internet Banking, use this along with our sort code 16-58-10.
Once you add money into a Stocks and Shares ISA Cash Account linked to a Triodos Stocks and Shares ISA, this will count as an ISA subscription for the current tax year.
Money held in your Cash Account can be transferred out to your nominated account, though you may want to keep some money in your Cash Account to cover the Annual Service charge (charged quarterly), to cover regular monthly investments or to have a balance available to purchase more shares on an ad hoc basis. If you do not keep enough money in your Cash Account to cover your Annual Service Charge, we will instruct to sell shares in your investments to cover the required amount. See What are the charges for investing? for more details on the Annual Service Charge.
You may wish to set up a standing order to make regular payments into your Cash Account, to ensure money is available for your quarterly Annual Service Charge and/or for any regular monthly investments you set up. For more information see How do I add money to my Cash Account?
If you set up a standing order into your account, please ensure the money will be received and cleared in your Cash Account before your monthly investment date, bearing in mind that standing orders will not be processed on a weekend or a bank holiday.
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If you are adding money to your Cash Account for the first time, then this will need to be transferred from your nominated account. Subsequent payments into your Cash Account (ready to purchase more shares or to cover your Annual Service Charge) can come from any account in your name. Take care to select the correct Cash Account to transfer money into as you may have more than one Cash Account. For example, you may have one Stocks and Shares ISA Cash Account, a sole Impact Investment Cash Account and a joint Impact Investment Cash Account.
You can find your Cash Account bank account number within the Triodos Mobile Banking App or Internet Banking, use this along with our sort code 16-58-10.
You may wish to set up a standing order to make regular payments into your Cash Account, to ensure money is available for your quarterly Annual Service Charge and/or for any regular monthly investments you set up.
If you set up a standing order into your account, please ensure the money will be received and cleared in your Cash Account before your monthly investment date, bearing in mind that standing orders will not be processed on a weekend or a bank holiday.
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There is an Annual Service Charge paid quarterly by Impact Fund investors and an Ongoing Charges Figure which is deducted from the fund daily and therefore not paid separately.
Annual Service Charge – paid by you quarterly
The Annual Service Charge is tiered, so customers who hold more than £250,000 in either their Triodos Impact Investment Account or Stocks and Shares ISA will pay a lower percentage on the investment balance over this amount.
Holdings in either a Triodos Impact Investment Account or Stocks and Shares ISA
- The percentage charged per annum on any balance of holdings up to and including £250,000.00 is 0.40%
- The percentage charged per annum on any balance of holdings £250,000.01 and over is 0.20%
The Annual Service Charge (ASC):
- is a charge that is collected by Triodos Bank UK to cover costs of providing our investment service, including administration costs.
- is expressed as an annual percentage but calculated and paid quarterly, based on the average value of your holding across the previous quarter.
- is paid from money in the linked Cash Account or by selling shares if there isn’t enough cash available (see below for details).
On the first Calendar Day of a new quarter we will check your Cash Account to see if cash is available to cover the Annual Service Charge for the previous quarter. If cash is available, it will be earmarked and deducted on the first weekday of the quarter. If you do not have enough money in your Cash Account to cover an upcoming Annual Service Charge, we will try to contact you beforehand by email or letter to let you know, so that you can pay into your Cash Account if you would like to.
If there is an insufficient cash balance on this day, we will instruct to sell shares in your investments to cover the whole amount (there is no charge to pay your Annual Service Charge in this way). The dealing instruction will be automatically generated to proportionately sell enough shares within your account based on your holding on the first Calendar Day of the new quarter.
For more information, please also see How can I pay for my Annual Service Charge? and How do you decide which shares to sell from my holdings to cover my Annual Service Charge?
Please be aware that the sale of shares to cover the Annual Service Charge is classified as a disposal for Capital Gains Tax purposes and may need to be declared to HMRC (unless they are held in a Stocks and Shares ISA).
The Annual Service Charge will be itemised on your quarterly statement, which provides a breakdown of all charges applied over the previous quarter along with any additional trades during the period.
Ongoing Charges Figure – deducted from the fund daily and not paid separately by you
The Ongoing Charges Figure (OCF):
- is the ongoing costs of running the funds, also known as the Total Expense Ratio or TER). The OCF includes the fund managers Annual Management Charge and other expenses of running the fund, such as the board of directors and audit fees. The Annual Management Charge is the charge taken by Triodos Investment Management to select investments based on their sustainable and financial performance.
- is expressed as an annual percentage and calculated and deducted from the fund daily. The charge is reflected in the value of the fund and you do not need to pay for it separately.
- can be found in the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and may vary.
- includes the cost of converting between sterling and euros when buying and selling, which is charged at 0.2% of the exchange rate used (this fee is not applied directly to individual investments, it is shared by all euro and sterling investors in the fund and is already accounted for in the published share price).
Please visit the fund pages on our website for details of the current OCF:
Triodos Global Equity Impact Fund
Triodos Future Generations Fund
Triodos Sterling Bond Impact Fund
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Yes. You can transfer an existing stocks and shares ISA to a Triodos Stocks and Shares ISA. Be aware, if transferring from a stocks and shares ISA, your investments will be sold and the transfer will be completed in cash.
If you don't already have a Triodos Stocks and Shares ISA, you will need to open one first. You can do this via the Triodos Mobile Banking App.
To request the transfer, you’ll need to download and complete the relevant form below. The forms are interactive so you can fill out your details online, but you’ll need to print the form and sign it using a pen.
Then simply return it to ‘Freepost TRIODOS BANK’ and we’ll transfer the funds directly between your ISAs and protect your tax-free ISA status. Do not move funds out of an ISA yourself, because your money will lose this ISA status.
The transfer process usually takes between 14-30 days. We’ll write to you when the transfer is complete.
Transfer from another provider to a Triodos Stocks and Shares ISA
Transfer from another Triodos ISA to a Triodos Stocks and Shares ISA
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Trades are submitted to the fund manager at 10am each Business Day. So you can cancel a trade which has not been dealt at any time prior to this.
To cancel a pending instruction, go to your investment account in Internet Banking or the Mobile App where you will find ‘Pending’ instructions under the ‘Transactions’ section. Click on the instruction you would like to cancel, you will be shown the key dates for your instruction and a cancel button (which will not be shown if your instruction has now been dealt and is therefore no longer pending). Select ‘Cancel’ then click ‘Continue’ to confirm you would like to cancel your instruction. You will then see a message confirming that your instruction has been cancelled.
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The ISA allowance is the maximum amount you can invest across all types of ISAs in any one tax year. You can put your whole allowance into a particular type of ISA or you can split it between the different types of ISAs: Cash, Stocks & Shares, Lifetime and Innovative Finance. The ISA allowance for the 2024/25 tax year is £20,000. For Junior Cash ISAs, the allowance is £9,000.
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As you'd expect from a bank, we take security very seriously - here are some things we do to keep you safe. To help you spot fraud, we’d also like you to know the things we’d never do.
What we do
- Provide around the clock debit card transaction monitoring.
- Provide 24/7 phone support to answer your questions about your debit card.
- Give you the ability to block your card in the Triodos App or Internet Banking.
- Temporarily block accounts and debit cards if fraudulent activity is suspected.
- Automatically log you out of Internet Banking and the app after a period of inactivity.
- Keep you up to date with fraud protection advice.
- Send text alerts when online or card transactions are made.
- Temporarily suspend your Internet Banking if left dormant for a long time.
- Monitor payments to assess whether the payment you are making is likely to have been made as part of a scam.
What we’ll never do
We will never contact you out of the blue to ask you:
- For your mobile app passcode.
- For your digipass PIN.
- For your card number or PIN.
- To transfer money out of your account.
- To click a link in an email to our Internet Banking.
- To download any software onto your PC or mobile phone.
- To authorise or cancel card payments through the app, or approve “refunds”.
If in doubt, call us on the number on our website, or delete the email without opening it.
Learn more about how to stay safe online or visit the action fraud website.
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Yes, you can split your ISA allowance into different types of ISA: Cash, Stocks & Shares, Lifetime, and Innovative Finance.
Since 6 April 2024, you have been able to subscribe to more than one Cash, Stocks & Shares or Innovative Finance ISA in the same tax year. However, it is still only possible to have one Lifetime ISA. Please note that Triodos does not offer Lifetime ISAs.
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To top up a Triodos cash ISA you can:
- Make an online payment from another account (either an account with another provider or another Triodos account that allows withdrawals).
- Send us a cheque if the Triodos cash ISA you want to top up accepts cheque.
The following accounts do not accept cheque payments:
- Online Cash ISA
- Fixed Rate Cash ISAs
If you want to deposit a cheque, please post it along with your account details or a paying-in slip to: ‘Freepost TRIODOS BANK’ (no stamp required)
The Triodos Bank sort code is 16-58-10 and you can find your Triodos cash ISA account number by logging in to your account online or via the Triodos Mobile Banking App, or by checking your bank statements.
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To top up a Triodos Stocks and Shares ISA, simply make an online payment into your linked Stocks and Shares ISA Cash Account. Once you add money into a Stocks and Shares ISA Cash Account, this will count as an ISA subscription for the current tax year.
You can then take your time to decide what investments you would like to make, safe in the knowledge that your money has already counted as a subscription for the current tax year.
The Triodos Bank sort code is 16-58-10 and you can find your Triodos Stocks and Shares ISA Cash Account number by logging in to your account online or via the Triodos Mobile Banking App, or by checking your account statements.
Remember that investments go up and down in value, so you could get back less than you put in.
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You can open a Triodos Innovative Finance ISA if you are resident in the UK for tax purposes and are over 18 years of age.
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The Triodos Impact Investment Funds are sub-funds of Triodos SICAV I, a “Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable” established in Luxembourg. Triodos SICAV I has a Passport into the UK, enabling UK distribution. Triodos SICAV I, including its sub-funds, is governed by the law of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
The funds being offered in the UK are:
Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund
Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund offers investors the possibility to invest in equities issued by larger listed companies worldwide delivering superior social and environmental performance within their sector as well as a strong financial performance.
Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund
Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund provides investors the opportunity to invest in equities issued by innovative and pioneering small and medium-sized listed companies worldwide that focus on the sustainable themes of climate protection, clean planet, healthy living, and or corporate social responsibility.
Triodos Future Generations Fund
The Triodos Future Generations Fund focuses particularly on the welfare of children across the world such as child health and survival, access to education, protection from violence and exploitation, environment and climate, and equality and inclusion.
Triodos Sterling Bond Impact Fund
The Sterling Bond Impact Fund aims to generate positive impact and a stable income from a portfolio of bonds such as corporate, green and social bonds, and bonds issued by the UK government known as gilts.
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There are different levels of risk associated with each fund offered. You must read all supporting documentation for each fund to make sure you can make an informed investment decision.
The Triodos SICAV I Key Investor Information Documents show a risk scale between 1 to 7, with 1 as the lowest risk and 7 as the highest risk. Bond funds are generally considered to be lower risk and therefore offer the potential for lower returns than equity funds, so you will see this reflected in the risk ratings of the Triodos Sterling Bond Fund compared to the Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund, Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund and Triodos Future Generations Funds.
You can find the Key Investor Information Document for each of our funds below:
Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund KR-Cap
Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund KR-Dis
Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund KR-Cap
Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund KR-Dis
Triodos Future Generations Fund KR-Cap
Triodos Future Generations Fund KR-Dis
Triodos Sterling Bond Impact Fund KR-Cap
Triodos Sterling Bond Impact Fund KR-Dis
If you are unsure as to the appropriateness or suitability of investing in the funds and/or with Triodos Bank, you should contact an Independent Financial Advisor. The value of investments and the income derived from them may go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount originally invested.
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Only certain bond offers will be eligible. Share offers are not eligible for the IFISA. Bond offers that are eligible will be clearly marked on the crowdfunding platform and in the offer document and you will be given the option of investing either directly into the bond or through the IFISA when you apply.
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The Innovative Finance ISA (IFISA) is a type of ISA that allows you to receive the interest you earn on eligible crowdfunded investments tax-free.
Find out more about different types of ISA and how they work on the gov.uk website.
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The Triodos Global Equities Impact, Pioneer Impact and Future Generations funds are quoted in sterling. When you purchase or sell, your sterling is converted into euros or back from euros into sterling. Your total return is therefore subject to the euro-sterling exchange rate. Further currency risk arises as the funds may invest in euro, dollar and other currency denominated securities.
The Triodos Sterling Bond Impact Fund has a base currency of sterling and your total return is not subject to the euro-sterling exchange rate.
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Yes, Confirmation of Payee (CoP) is an account name-checking service that has been introduced to combat fraud and misdirected payments. Triodos is part of the UK industry-wide scheme for incoming and outbound payments, and a CoP check will be performed every time you send money from your Triodos account. We encourage you still continue to check payment details in line with our guidance, and regularly review our website for information on how to prevent fraud.
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To facilitate the payment of cash dividends, sales proceeds and to comply with UK regulations around the handling of money arising from your Depository Receipt holding we have opened a Depository Receipt Cash Account for each Depository Receipt holder. All cash dividends and sales proceeds from Depository Receipts will be paid into your Depository Receipt Cash Account.
You can nominate a bank account for your Depository Receipt Cash Account and all sales proceeds and cash dividends can automatically be transferred to your nominated bank account within 2 business days of receipt.
If you wish to set up or change the details of your nominated bank account, you must send us a signed written instruction. The instruction must include the details of the new nominated account (including the account name, six digit sort code and eight digit account number). For joint accounts, the instruction must be signed by both account holders. Your nominated bank account must be a sterling account in your own name(s) with either another UK bank/building society or an existing UK Triodos Bank account that allows deposits and withdrawals.
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Previously, if you did not subscribe to your ISA in the previous tax year you may have had to redeclare your ISA eligibility before you could make further subscriptions. From 6th April 2024 this is no longer necessary.
The only circumstance where we will ask you to redeclare your ISA eligibility is if you were living abroad and have now returned to the UK and wish to subscribe to your ISA again.
If you wish to do this please call us on 0330 3550 355 (or +44 117 973 9339 from abroad) or send us a chat message in Internet Banking.
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The Annual Service Charge is tiered, so customers who hold more than £250,000 in either their Triodos Impact Investment Account or Stocks and Shares ISA will pay a lower percentage on the investment balance over this amount.
Holdings in either a Triodos Impact Investment Account or Stocks and Shares ISA
- The percentage charged per annum on any balance of holdings up to and including £250,000.00 is 0.40%
- The percentage charged per annum on any balance of holdings £250,000.01 and over is 0.20%
The Annual Service Charge is calculated pro-rata quarterly based on the average value of your holding across the previous quarter. You can therefore look at your total holding and use this percentage to calculate the approximate charge. For example, if your average holding value for the quarter was £10,000, your Annual Service Charge will be £10 for that quarter.
If you don’t have sufficient cash in your Cash Account to cover your upcoming Annual Service Charge when we check your available balance on the first Calendar Day of a new quarter, we will arrange to sell some of your shares to cover the charge (there is no further charge to pay your Annual Service Charge in this way).
For more information see How do you decide which shares to sell from my holdings to cover my Annual Service Charge?
If you do not have enough money in your Cash Account to cover an upcoming Annual Service Charge, we will try to contact you beforehand by email or letter to let you know, so that you can pay into your Cash Account if you would like to.
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Yes, once you add money into a Stocks and Shares ISA Cash Account linked to a Triodos Stocks and Shares ISA, this will count as an ISA subscription for the current tax year.
Whilst adding money to the Cash Account will count as an ISA subscription, dividends and sale proceeds paid into the Cash Account will not count as subscriptions.
Please note that the Triodos Stocks and Shares ISA is not a flexible ISA, and therefore cash withdrawn from a linked Cash Account cannot be replaced in the same tax year without the replacement counting towards your ISA allowance for the current tax year.
There is a 14 Calendar Day cancellation period applicable to susbcriptions into a Stocks and Shares ISA Cash Account. Any cancellation must be carried out by us, so if you want to cancel a subscription (for example, if you have accidentally transferred money into your Cash Account), please contact us and we will arrange this for you.
You can transfer some or all of an existing ISA to a Triodos Stocks and Shares ISA and invest in the Triodos Impact Investment Funds - without losing your tax-free ISA status. See How to transfer an existing ISA to a Triodos Stocks and Shares ISA and follow the transfer process to ensure your ISA transfer occurs without affecting your ISA allowance. Do not move funds out of an ISA yourself, because your money will lose this ISA status.
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A nominated account is an account in your name(s) with either another UK bank or building society, or an existing Triodos Bank UK account that allows you to transfer funds.
You need a nominated account when applying for one of our accounts online and your opening deposit must be made by electronic transfer from your nominated account. Also if you want to transfer money from your account online, you must do so to your nominated account or another Triodos Bank UK account in your name.
You may have up to three nominated accounts. In the case of sole Account holders, they must all be personal accounts held in your name. In the case of joint Account holders, you may choose one joint personal account held in both your names and one sole personal account each.
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To top up a Triodos Junior Cash ISA, you can:
- Make an online payment from another account (either an account with another provider or another Triodos account that allows withdrawals).
The Triodos Bank sort code is 16-58-10 and you can find your Triodos cash ISA account number by logging in to your account online or via the Triodos Mobile Banking App, or by checking your bank statements.
- Send us a cheque made out to the child.
If you want to deposit a cheque, please post it along with your account details or a paying-in slip to: ‘Freepost TRIODOS BANK’ (no stamp required).
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If paid, cash dividends will be automatically paid by electronic bank transfer to your Depository Receipt Cash Account. Dividends will be converted from euros to sterling and will be subject to the euro-sterling exchange rate.
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If you arrange a transfer between ISAs by completing a transfer form, your tax-free ISA status will remain protected and the transfer will not affect your ISA allowance for the current tax year.
Don’t withdraw the money out of an ISA yourself or move it to a personal bank account. If you do this, your money will lose its ISA status. This means that you can’t reinstate it and you’ll permanently lose that portion of your ISA allowance. If you choose to re-add money that you’ve withdrawn from an ISA, you’ll use up a portion of an ISA allowance, unless you have a flexible ISA.
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The crowdfunding platform is a platform which enables organisations which deliver positive impact to raise repayable finance to fund their growth plans. Finance can be raised in the form of debt or equity and is raised from a community of investors looking for both a financial and social return. Find out more about the platform at www.triodoscrowdfunding.co.uk
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Please be aware that as a result of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union we have reluctantly concluded that we will need to discontinue the sale of new Depository Receipts to UK residents, which includes the issue of new Depository Receipts as part of the stock dividend scheme.
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The gain and/or loss shown in the Mobile App and Internet Banking shows the current value of your investment less the value of any purchases at the time that they were bought.
The gain/loss shown is calculated from when we moved to our current investments administration system on 25 November 2022. Any gain/loss from investments held prior to that date will not be included in the calculation.
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Investment fraud comes in many forms, but is typically when someone poses as an investment service provider, Financial Advisor or fund manager to convince you to transfer large sums of money into a company or service that doesn’t actually exist.
They can create convincing-looking websites and adverts, and send you emails, texts and automated voice messages offering investments that sound too good to be true. They often are.
Before you transfer any money:
- Always check the FCA's ScamSmart webpage for advice on being a ScamSmart investor
- Always check the FCA register to see if the investor is regulated and what they are regulated to do
- Always confirm the company exists by checking Companies House
- Always call the company on the number on their FCA register listing to confirm the correct payment details.
Genuine financial services will never:
- Cold call you
- Put pressure on you to invest
- Ask you to transfer immediately to lock in a deal or take advantage of a time-limited offer or special discount
As a general rule, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. Beware of promises of high returns and guaranteed returns with no risk.
Useful resources
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Depository Receipts are traded in euros and dividends, if paid, are in euros. Your total return is therefore subject to the euro-sterling exchange rate. This may adversely affect the sterling value of any investment in Triodos Bank or the amount of dividends you receive.
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As purchases and sales are instructed on a forward value basis (that is, we don’t know the Price Per Share to be used until the day after the instruction is completed), only allowing up to 90% of your holding to be sold will allow for price fluctuations. If you instead ask us to sell your whole holding, this will be an instruction for the entire amount in number of shares rather than by value.
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You can sell shares in the Triodos Impact Investment Funds through the Triodos Mobile Banking App or Internet Banking. See our guide on How to sell your impact investment shares.
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By opening a Triodos Stocks and Shares ISA you can invest any of our impact investment funds:
- Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund
- Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund
- Triodos Future Generations Fund
- Triodos Sterling Bond Impact Fund
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You can use your ISA allowance by 'wrapping' your existing impact investment funds in our Stocks and Shares ISA. Within the Stocks and Shares ISA you benefit from no further tax on income and no capital gains tax. The benefits of an ISA depend on your individual circumstances and tax rules may change in the future.
To wrap your existing holding in an ISA it must be sold and repurchased. The process of making this double transaction is also known as a 'Bed and ISA'. Follow the 3 steps below to do this:
- Open a Stocks and Shares ISA (if you don't already have one)
Every Stocks and Shares ISA or Impact Investment Account has a linked Cash Account which is used to hold the cash that you will use to make new investments, including buying shares for a Bed and ISA. For more information see What is a Cash Account and why do I need one? - Sell your Impact Investment Account shares
You will need give us your instruction to sell your Impact Investment Account shares through the Mobile App or Internet Banking (see How to sell your impact investment shares). - Transfer the money into your Stocks and Shares ISA Cash Account
Once you have received the money from the proceeds of the sale in your Impact Investment Cash Account, you can then transfer it into your Stocks and Shares ISA Cash Account using the Mobile App or Internet Banking (see How do I add money to my Stocks and Shares ISA or Impact Investment Cash Account?).
Money added into a Stocks and Shares ISA Cash Account will count as an ISA subscription for the current tax year. You can then take your time to decide what investments you would like to make, safe in the knowledge that your money has already counted as a subscription for the current tax year. For more information see How to buy shares or top up your impact investment.
Please note, when selling your holding outside of the ISA wrapper you will realise a capital gain or loss. Most people have a capital gains allowance of £3,000 (for the 2024/25 tax year), any gain below this amount means there is no charge on any profit you made. If you happen to make a capital loss this can be used to offset future capital gains.
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We will take your Annual Service Charge in one of the following two ways:
- Firstly, we will check your linked Cash Account on the first Calendar Day of a new quarter to see if there is a sufficient cash balance to cover the charge. If the cash is available, it will be earmarked and debited the same day, unless it’s a weekend, in which case the money will be debited on the next weekday.
- If there is an insufficient balance when we carry out this check, we will instruct to sell shares in your investments to cover the whole amount (there is no charge to pay your Annual Service Charge in this way).
Please note that if you have a Stocks and Shares ISA and have fully subscribed for the tax year, then you will not be able to add money to your linked Cash Account and your only option for payment of the charge will be for us to sell shares to cover the charge.
For more information, please also see What are the charges for investing?
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You can withdraw money from your Cash Account by setting up a transfer to your nominated account or another Triodos account in your name, using either the Mobile App or Internet Banking.
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Yes, you can. You may find it helpful to rename your accounts to make identifying and distinguishing them a bit easier. To do this, go into ‘Account settings’, select the account you would like to change the name of, then click on ‘Account name’. Once here you can amend the account name.
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The term Savings describes accounts in which you deposit money and earn a set rate of interest, such as our Cash ISA or Saver accounts. Triodos Bank only lends deposited money to organisations that are making a positive environmental, social or cultural impact, and we publish details of every organisation we lend to on our website.
The term Investments refers to accounts in which you can buy assets such as shares in stock market listed companies. With all investments your capital is at risk and you may not get back the full amount you invested and investments should be considered for the long term i.e. 5 years or more. Payment of income or interest is variable and not guaranteed.
Like with our Savings accounts, all Investments made via Triodos Bank are used to support businesses that are making a positive environmental, social or cultural impact and we publish details of all the investments we make. For example, through the Triodos Impact Investment Funds you can invest in a diverse portfolio of stock market listed shares and bonds. We publish the entire portfolio of both funds on our website:
- Triodos Global Equities Fund
- Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund
- Triodos Future Generations Fund
- Triodos Sterling Bond Impact Fund
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The Triodos Impact Investment Funds invest in stock market listed companies, so returns are variable and not guaranteed, and you may not get back the amount you originally invested.
Past performance figures for both funds can be found on our fund pages:
- Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund
- Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund
- Triodos Future Generations Fund
- Triodos Sterling Bond Impact Fund
Please note that past performance is not a guide to future returns.
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Transferring existing investments or ISAs from another provider usually takes between 14-30 days, but sometimes it can take longer than this. Delays can be caused if there’s an issue with the application form or the existing ISA provider doesn’t have your up-to-date information. It will also take longer if there’s a notice period on the account you are transferring from.
To make sure your transfer goes as smoothly as possible, we would recommend checking with your existing provider that all your information (for example, contact details and address) is up-to-date and that you don’t owe any outstanding fees. Also make sure that you’ve completed the transfer form correctly and signed it using a pen (rather than electronically).
You’ll also need to make sure that your information with Triodos is correct and that you’ve already applied to open the account you wish to transfer into. If you haven’t, you can open an account via the Triodos Mobile Banking App.
Please be aware that you may see money leave your existing provider’s ISA before it credits your account with Triodos. This is due to the way the funds are processed for ISA transfers. However, we will backdate the credit to the date your old account closed. This ensures that you do not lose any interest during the transfer.
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Triodos Investment Management is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Triodos Bank, and have been active in the sustainable investment sector for over 30 years. Triodos Investment Management manage investments ranging from sustainable energy infrastructure to microfinance institutions, and individuals in the UK can invest in the Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund, Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund, Triodos Future Generations Fund and Triodos Sterling Bond Impact Fund.
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If you don’t have sufficient cash in your Cash Account to cover your upcoming Annual Service Charge when we carry out the check on the first Calendar Day of a new quarter, we will arrange to sell some of your shares to cover the charge (there is no charge to pay your Annual Service Charge in this way).
We will calculate your Annual Service Charge based on your average holding across the previous quarter. If you have holdings in more than one fund or share class, we will sell shares from each proportionate to the value you have in each fund/share class based on your holding on the first Calendar Day of the new quarter. For example, if your average holding for the previous quarter is £12,500 with £7,500 in the Triodos Global Equity Impact Fund (3/5ths of the average holding) and £2,500 in the Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund (2/5ths of the average holding) on the first Calendar Day of the new quarter, then your Annual Service Charge will be £12.50 in total with £7.50 (3/5ths) deducted from your Triodos Global Equity Impact Fund holding and £5.00 (2/5ths) deducted from your Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund holding.
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No, there is no interest paid on our Cash Accounts. This is because these accounts are meant to make it easy for you to make investments, they aren’t designed as a long-term home for savings.
If you do not yet know what you would like to do with the money you hold in a Cash Account, you may want to consider other options, for example you may wish to transfer funds from a Stocks and Share ISA Cash Account to a Cash ISA such as the Triodos Online Cash ISA or move funds from an Impact Investment Cash Account to a savings account such as the Triodos Online Saver or Triodos Online Saver Plus.
Alternatively, you can keep a cash balance in your Cash Account from which you can make regular monthly investments. For more information see How to set up a regular monthly investment?
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You can set up a regular monthly investment from as little as £25 per month through the Triodos Mobile Banking App or Internet Banking. See our guide on How to set up a regular monthly investment
You will need to ensure that there is a sufficient cash balance in your Cash Account on the day you set up your regular monthly investment, as well as the day it is due otherwise we will not be able to process your instruction. For more information see What happens if there is an insufficient balance in my Cash Account on the day my regular monthly investment is due?
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On the day your monthly investment is due we will check to see if there is a sufficient balance in your Cash Account at 1am. If the money is available then your monthly investment will be dealt that day if it is a Business Day or the next Business Day if your monthly investment date falls on a weekend or other non-Business Day. The usual trade cycle is then followed and the deal is priced at the next available valuation point - the Triodos Impact Investment Funds value every Business Day in the morning before European markets open.
If there is an insufficient balance, we will be unable to carry out your monthly investment instruction. We will notify you by email if this happens. We will try to take the payment again the following month unless you cancel your instruction which you can do in Internet Banking or the Mobile App. For more information see How can I cancel a pending investment instruction (purchase or redemption)?
If you do not have enough money in your Cash Account to cover an upcoming monthly investment, we will try to contact you beforehand by email to let you know, so that you can pay into your Cash Account if you would like to.
You may wish to set up a standing order to make regular payments into your Cash Account, to ensure money is available for your quarterly Annual Service Charge and/or for any regular monthly investments you set up. For more information see How do I add money to my Cash Account?
If you set up a standing order into your account, please ensure the money will be received and cleared in your Cash Account before your monthly investment date, bearing in mind that standing orders will not be processed on a weekend or a bank holiday.
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You can choose to have any income generated by your investment in Triodos Impact Investment Funds automatically reinvested for capital growth or paid out to your Cash Account. Please note that income is variable and not guaranteed.
To have any income generated automatically reinvested you should purchase capitalisation shares, where any income generated by the underlying holdings is retained within the fund and reinvested, increasing the value of the shares.
To have any income generated paid out you should purchase distribution shares, where income generated by the underlying holdings is distributed as a dividend payment to your Cash Account. You can then choose to withdraw this to your nominated account or another Triodos account in your name if you wish.
Once a dividend has been paid, there will be an income statement available to download in the Mobile App or Internet Banking, to help with completing your tax return. You will find this under the ‘Transactions’ for your Stocks and Shares ISA or Impact Investment Account.
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If your monthly investment date falls on the first Calendar Day of a new quarter (when we check your Cash Account to see if money is available to cover the Annual Service Charge for the previous quarter), your monthly investment will take precedence over your Annual Service Charge.
If there is an insufficient cash balance following the earmarking of the money for your monthly investment, we will instruct to sell shares in your investments to cover the whole amount (there is no charge to pay your Annual Service Charge in this way). To avoid this scenario occurring, you should endeavour to have a sufficient cash balance within your Cash Account to satisfy any applicable charges.
You may wish to set up a standing order to make regular payments into your Cash Account, to ensure money is available for your quarterly Annual Service Charge and/or for any regular monthly investments you set up. For more information see How do I add money to my Cash Account?
If you set up a standing order into your account, please ensure the money will be received and cleared in your Cash Account before your monthly investment date, bearing in mind that standing orders will not be processed on a weekend or a bank holiday.
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You can transfer all or part of an ISA from one type to another or between providers by indicating how much you would like to transfer on the relevant transfer form.
You can select whether you want to transfer:
- the entire ISA
- the current tax year’s ISA subscriptions in whole, or part
- previous tax years, ISA subscriptions in whole or part
If you are transferring part of a Stocks and Shares ISA, and your subscriptions are invested in more than one share class, please specify the name of the share class(es) from which you would like to sell the shares.
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Yes, it is possible to transfer between ISAs of different types. You can either transfer an existing Triodos ISA into an ISA of a different type (for example, a Triodos Cash ISA into a Triodos Stocks and Shares ISA) or transfer an ISA from another provider into a Triodos ISA of a different type.
Be aware, if transferring from a Stocks and Shares ISA, your investments will be sold. The transfer process usually takes between 14-30 days. We’ll write to you when the transfer is complete.
If you don't already have the Triodos ISA you wish to transfer into, you will need to open one first. You can do this via the Triodos Mobile Banking App.
To request the transfer, you’ll need to download and complete the relevant form below. The forms are interactive so you can fill out your details online, but you’ll need to print the form and sign it using a pen.
Then simply return it to ‘Freepost TRIODOS BANK’ and we’ll transfer your money directly between your ISAs and protect your tax-free ISA status. Do not move your money out of an ISA yourself, because your money will lose this ISA status.
Stocks and Shares ISA transfer forms
•Transfer from another provider to a Triodos Stocks & Shares ISA
•Transfer from another Triodos ISA to a Triodos Stocks & Shares ISA
Cash ISA transfer forms
•Transfer an ISA from another provider to a Triodos cash ISA
•Cash ISA account type change request form
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You cannot amend your regular monthly investment date or amount but you can cancel it at any time before the 10am dealing cut off through the Triodos Mobile Banking App or Internet Banking. You can then set up one or more regular monthly investments for a different date or amount should you wish to.
For more information see How can I cancel a pending investment instruction (purchase or redemption)?
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You can purchase shares in the Triodos Impact Investment Funds through the Triodos Mobile Banking App or Internet Banking. See our guide on How to buy shares or top up your impact investment.
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You can switch between funds and share classes. A switch is when you sell your holding in one fund or share class and buy back another. For example, if you hold shares in the Triodos Global Equities Impact Fund and want to switch to the Triodos Pioneer Impact Fund or if you wanted to switch from holding distribution shares to holding capitalisation shares within the same fund.
You can do this through the Triodos Mobile Banking App or Internet Banking. Simply sell the shares you no longer want and once that deal has settled and the funds have arrived in your Cash Account you can purchase the shares in the fund you now want instead. The minimum investment amount of £250 applies for initial investments and top ups, or £25 per month for regular monthly investments.
If you would like to switch, please ensure you have read the relevant Key Investor Information Document (KIID) for the new fund which can be found under Key Documents on the fund pages, as well as the Supplementary Information Document (SID) and the Terms and Conditions for our Impact Investment Funds and Stocks and Shares ISA.
Please note, when selling your holding outside of an ISA wrapper you may realise a capital gain or loss. Most individuals have a capital gains allowance of £3,000 (for the 2024/25 tax year), any gain below this amount means there is no charge on any profit you made. If you happen to make a capital loss this can be used to offset future capital gains.
For further information see How can I move my TBUK non-ISA impact investment into the Triodos Stocks & Shares ISA? (Bed & ISA).
Once you add money into a Stocks and Shares ISA Cash Account, this will count as an ISA subscription for the current tax year.
Keep in mind that when you buy and sell investments, you might buy back slightly less due to market movement. And with investing in general, there’s always the risk that you could get back less than you put in.
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Sustainable finance requires choices; very deliberate choices about what Triodos Bank finances and invests in, and what really contributes to a sustainable future. This process also requires clear boundaries for what Triodos Bank can finance. Triodos Bank deems some investments, products, processes and activities incompatible with a sustainable future. Therefore, Triodos Bank has adopted minimum standards that clearly explain the products, processes and activities that Triodos Bank does not want to be involved in.
Zero tolerance and maximum thresholds
Some of the numerous resources and products that companies use, manufacture or sell are not aligned with Triodos Bank’s positive impact ambitions.
For these products, Triodos Bank distinguishes two approaches. For involvement with genuinely unsustainable products, Triodos Bank applies a zero-tolerance policy (e.g. for weapons and nuclear energy). Deriving revenue from the production of such products leads to exclusion from financing or investment. For other products, maximum revenue thresholds are in place to minimise exposure (e.g. for tobacco products). A company or activity that exceeds the set threshold demonstrates a strategic choice for involvement and is therefore excluded from financing or investment.
For further details please read our Minimum Standards.
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We look to support any customer who is concerned regarding fees and charges, and we know that life has been difficult for many of us in recent years. If your circumstances are causing you to worry or causing you financial stress, please contact us as we can discuss options to support you. This could include the following:
- Seeking advice on budgeting and financial commitments via an independent organisation such as the Money Advice Trust or Citizens Advice, they can give free and impartial advice and tips.
- Reviewing charges on your Triodos account.
- Access to funds held in your Triodos savings accounts if appropriate.
Visit our help and support to see our tips for setting budgets and managing bills.
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How-to guides
How to buy shares or top up your impact investment
How to set up a regular monthly investment
How to sell your impact investment shares
How to transfer an existing ISA to a Triodos Stocks & Shares ISA
- Terms and Conditions for our Impact Investment Funds and Ethical Stocks and Shares ISA151 KB, PDF
- Transfer an ISA from another provider to a Triodos Stocks and Shares ISA142 KB, PDF
- Transfer between existing Triodos ISAs 226 KB, PDF
- Transfer to the Triodos Junior ISA from another provider≈ 1 MB
- The conscious investors guide to ISAs3 MB, PDF
- Triodos Impact Investment Funds and Ethical Stocks and Shares ISA Supplementary Information Document304 KB, PDF
- UK Best Execution Policy95 KB, PDF
- Triodos Bank Annual Report 2012≈ 1 MB
- Triodos Bank Annual Report 2015≈ 1 MB
- Triodos Bank Stocks and Shares ISA and Impact Investment Funds Redemption Form192 KB, PDF
- Triodos Bank Investment Funds Purchase Form128 KB, PDF
- Triodos Bank Annual Report 2016≈ 1 MB
- MTF Platform Listing: Overview steps: 23 Feb 20231 MB, PDF
- Triodos Bank Annual Report 2017≈ 1 MB
- Internet banking form for joint investors73 KB, PDF
- Internet banking application form for sole investors68 KB, PDF
- Depository Receipts: Chair of SAAT - additional explanation proposed options voting policy225 KB, PDF
- DR Holder Webinar Invitation: Feb 23 2023150 KB, PDF